Hair Battle Spectacular is an American reality competition series that aired on Oxygen from August 10, 2010, to October 3, 2011. The series features ten hair stylists as they compete for a $100,000 grand prize and to see who can create the most outrageous hair styles that resemble everything from multilayer wedding cakes to toys with movable pieces.
Video Hair Battle Spectacular
- Eva Marcille, Host -- Season 2
- Brooke Burns, Host -- Season 1
- Derek J, Judge -- Hair designer
- Taylor Jacobson, Judge -- Stylist
Maps Hair Battle Spectacular
Season 1
- Josh 'Roo' Wixom - Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Keleigh 'Malibu' Laier - Hometown: Laguna Niguel, California (Left due to medical reasons)
- Bryson 'Boss' Conley - Hometown: Los Angeles, California
- Tara 'Cajmonet' Merritt - Hometown: Woodland Hills, California
- Jerome 'J-Rok' Allen - Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
- Valerie 'Valley Girl' St. George - Hometown: Burbank, California
- Sexi Lexi Hopper -- Hometown: Denver, Colorado
- Moira 'Fingaz' Frazier - Hometown: Toledo, Ohio
- Nate 'Tsunami' Siam - Hometown: Modesto, California (Runner-up)
- Jasmaine 'Minista' Jazz - Hometown: Brooklyn, New York
- 12345 Two contestants with the same numbers indicates that they faced off in a battle that week.
- The contestant withdrew from the competition due to medical reasons.
- The contestant lost their hair battle, was a "Hair Don't", and was eliminated from the competition.
- The contestant lost their hair battle and was a "Hair Don't".
- The contestant lost their hair battle and was a "Hair Don't" and was also in the bottom 2.
- The contestant won their hair battle and was a "Hair Do" but did not win the challenge.
- The contestant won their hair battle and was a "Hair Do" and won the challenge.
- The contestant won Hair Battle Spectacular.
Season 2
- Dnise "Bronx" Brown - Hometown: Bronx, New York
- Kristin "Dimples" Jackson - Hometown: Bronx, New York
- Spencer "Camouflage" Lebowitz - Hometown: Redondo Beach, California
- Gabriel "GQ" QuiƱones -Hometown: La Puente, California
- Brenda "MzH20" Waters - Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
- Tyler "Atomic" True - Hometown: Los Angeles, California
- Bethany "Queen B" Bell -- Hometown: Los Angeles, California
- Jeanine "J9" Calia -- Hometown: Providence, Rhode Island
- Alessandro "Bossa Nova" Voce - Hometown: Beverly Hills, California
- Ashley "Blondie" Stone -- Hometown: Newington, Connecticut
- Kirby "Nostradamus" Keomysay -- Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska
- 12345 Two contestants with the same numbers indicates that they faced off in a battle that week.
- The contestant withdrew from the competition due to medical reasons.
- The contestant lost their hair battle, was a "Hair Don't", and was eliminated from the competition.
- The contestant lost their hair battle and was a "Hair Don't".
- The contestant lost their hair battle and was a "Hair Don't" and was also in the bottom 2.
- The contestant won their hair battle and was a "Hair Do" but did not win the challenge.
- The contestant won their hair battle and was a "Hair Do" and won the challenge.
- The contestant won Hair Battle Spectacular.
External links
- Official website
Source of the article : Wikipedia